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Sunday 29 March 2009

My Top 25 Weight Loss Tips To Lose Weight Fast

The following 25 weight loss tips to lose weight fast, are things that have worked for me in my quest to lose over 50 pounds. I would like to share these tips with you in hoping that it can also help you with your weight loss efforts. Feel free to add some weight loss tips you know yourself by commenting below!

1. Consistency. Consistency is key to losing weight and keeping it off. Don't start on a new diet, lose weight and then stop. Focus on changing your lifestyle. Do not focus on "dieting". When you focus on dieting, you are looking at this whole weight loss thing as something temporary. Diets work ONLY to get those pounds off, but what are you going to do after the diet is done? "Living a healthy lifestyle is a marathon, not a short sprint down the road."

2. Drink more water....enough said.

3. Your name is not Beyonce Knowles, Madonna, Brad Pitt, etc. Therefore, do not try to do what THEY do in terms of getting and keeping there body in excellent shape. Everyone is unique and all of our bodies respond differently to different things. Do what's best for YOU and YOUR body....not what's best for someone on T.V.

4. Do not drink any type of soda...including diet soda (diet soda is just as bad with it's content of artificial sweeteners).

5. Stay away from diet pills. Diet pills are dangerous for your health and could cause yo-yo dieting.

6. Eat smaller meals more frequently instead of the usual 2 or 3. This will help in boosting your metabolism. The better your metabolism is running, the more fat you can burn.

7. Have ready made vegetable and/or fruit slices on hand for a quick snack to help in avoiding the "munchies" you get through out the day for some type of junk food.

8. Watch those additives. Sugar, toppings, creamer, etc. That's an easy way to jump up your calorie intake without you knowing it. With weight loss, you have to keep an eye out on everything going into your body. It sucks, but, this is what you'll have to do in order to lose the weight and get rid of that annoying body fat.

9. Don't eat too close to when you go to bed. This is mainly for foods that are high in protein, carbs, sugar, and fats. Things such as salads, fruits (except bananas), etc. are okay to have in the evening. Eating too close to when you go to bed could disrupt the functions of your metabolism.

10. Sleep for 7-8 hours every night. I struggled with this one in the beginning. But, once you start getting more sleep, your body will get accustomed to it and you'll find it more easy to get to bed early.

11. Choose exercises that you'll enjoy. There's nothing worse than trying to improve your body by way of exercise, but only to be doing exercises you do not like. For example, I can't stand running on the treadmill. So, what I do instead is power walk on the treadmill but on an incline. I enjoy it, but more importantly, it works just as good as running!

12. Do high intensity interval cardio training to burn more fat and MAINTAIN muscle. Long boring cardio is brutal on the joints and it does burn off fat, however, it could also burn off muscle!

13. Make sure you include building lean muscle in your workout regimen. Muscle burns a ton of calories while building AND while resting.

14. Do not go food shopping on an empty stomach....don't ask me how I know!

15. Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet to maintain and repair muscle tissue.

16. Do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You'll be burning off stored fat and calories instead of what you JUST ate! That's a golden tip!

17. Include apple cider vinegar in your diet. Yes, this is a miracle drink. Not only does it help with weight loss, but with a plethora of other health benefits for your body and mind!

18. Be realistic with your weight loss goals. Do not go into some diet expecting to lose 50 pounds in one month. When you go into a diet expecting to lose extraordinary amounts of weight in a extraordinary amount a time, you are now placing WAY TOO MUCH pressure on yourself. What do you think happens if you can not reach those extraordinary goals?

19. Take fish oil daily. It's important to make sure you are getting Omega 3 Fatty Acids since it is very important for your total overall health, and it is one of the things your body does not produce naturally.

20. Stay away from artificial sweeteners! You'll be better off with regular freaking sugar when you discover the harmfulness of artificial sweeteners! Opt for honey, stevia, natural syrups, and other all natural sweeteners.

21. Do not check the scale, check the mirror for your progress with your weight loss efforts.

22. Don't feel like you HAVE to join a gym in order to exercise and lose weight. There are plenty of exercises you can do right at home (body weight exercises, home gyms, etc.).

23. Do not have cheat days for the first two weeks of a diet. This could end up being a huge distraction to your weight loss efforts and cause you to lose motivation.

24. Do not get caught up into those fad diets. Fad diets typically avoid the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle. If a diet tells you to avoid protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, fruits & veggies, cardio or interval training exercise, and weight training exercise, then I highly recommend you avoid these types of diets or weight loss programs.

25. Have a support group. Having people around you keeping you motivated will do wonders for you mentally. You will be able to stay focused and have the motivation to keep on going when it seems too tough for you....especially in the beginning.

Remember, weight loss can not be successful without commitment and consistency. I learned that loud and clear early on. I had a tendency to lose focus and slip a few times....and the outcome was I had lost motivation and re-gained weight. Take it one day at a time, stay focused, and stay consistent. It's only hard in the beginning, and I'm only talking a few weeks here. Hang in there!

Also, live healthy for life, not just to lose your excess pounds and fat. There's no sense in starting on some weight loss program, lose the weight, and then back down from living healthy. A healthy lifestyle is something you do for life, because it is your life...hence, "lifestyle".

Believe in yourself! Trust me, if I can do it, and still am doing it after 5 years, ANYONE can change their mindset and get more healthier.

If you have any questions about what I have done to help me lose weight and get in better shape over the years, please, feel free to contact me. I am more than willing to share all that I have learned and done to improve my health so that I can help someone else who is struggling the way I did in the beginning.


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