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Sunday 29 March 2009

Fast Fat Loss Tip: How To Develop Discipline To Avoid Unhealthy Foods

As the title states, do you have mental strength (self-discipline) to avoid...or better yet, despise, unhealthy foods? Besides understanding and practicing all of the basic core principles of a healthy lifestyle for fat loss and weight loss, learning how to develop discipline to always eat healthy and avoid unhealthy foods is important. Find out how....

I received the following e-mail from my colleague Mike Geary, the author of the popular six pack abs program, He talks about how he developed the discipline to avoid unhealthy foods, and it is also something I did and still do on a daily basis. Check it out....

"I've been interviewed a lot lately for fat loss tele-seminars, radio shows, etc, and one question really caught my attention recently.

I believe I was asked how I maintain so much discipline to always eat healthy and rarely ever cheat.

Well, first of all, I don't always eat perfect, but if I do cheat, it's only a couple times a month and only when I eat out. So basically, I never keep any junk food at all in the house. And even when I do "cheat"... I still never eat french fries, soda, donuts, or candy.

But I get asked often how I stay so disciplined to eat so healthy and always bypass the fries, sodas, and other junk foods that we're all bombarded with on a daily basis.

I thought about it for a second, and my answer was that I don't really think it's about discipline for me. Instead, I have something going on in my head that makes the thought of eating deep fried food, candy, donuts, or sodas not appealing at all to me.

In fact, it even goes a step beyond junk food just not appealing to me...

My mindset is that these junk foods actually appear disgusting to me and I have no desire to eat them at all. I actually crave healthy foods instead.

So it made me think... Why do some of us see junk foods and not crave them at all (and even view them as disgusting), while others see junk foods and cannot resist the temptation?

That's a tough call...and when it comes to how our minds work, things can get complicated.

For me personally, I can say that I think the reason why junk food is so revolting to me is that I've spent so many years reading about all of the negative effects that these foods have on your body... and digging into the actual science and the negative cellular reactions that they cause within your body.

Due to the fact that I've read in such depth about what these foods do to your body, I have ingrained in my head over the years that these foods are pure evil and therefore, I have no desire to eat them.

In fact, my dislike of junk foods is so deeply rooted at this point in my life, even the smell of deep fried chicken or donuts sometimes can make me feel sick, whereas the smell of a healthy meal makes me feel energized.

I never realized during all of these years that this was the reason that I eat so healthy on a regular basis. Everyone always said I just had "discipline"... but now that I've actually thought about it more, I've discovered that it's not discipline, but rather that my brain views junk foods with such a negative view, that the thought of eating junk food almost makes me feel sick.

This is interesting indeed. I'm not a brain-science expert, so I can't explain exactly how to adopt this type of mindset. All I can say is... keep continually educating yourself on nutrition and how different types of foods are processed and react in your body.

Hopefully, by learning exactly what is going wrong in your body when you consume trans fats or excess processed sugars, perhaps that will help you to view junk foods in such a negative way that you no longer crave them at all.

Good luck!"

Well, there you have it. The 'trick', if you want to call it that, to avoid unhealthy foods is to very regularly read and be informed on the unhealthiness of the bad foods out here nowadays, and what they can do to our bodies. The more you know and understand about these unhealthy foods, the more you are going to stray away from them...for good. You wouldn't even think twice about having "cheat days".

When I started on my fat loss journey, I remember reading how many calories were in a large order of McDonald's french fries (close to 600 calories and close to 300 in contains trans fat) does that jingle go...."Ba da ba ba ba...I'm Loving It"? What's to love?


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