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Sunday 29 March 2009

Sprint Or Jog For Maximum Fat Loss? Did You Not See Usain Bolt?!

What works best for maximum fat loss? Should you do quick sprinting sessions or jog your a** off until the bottom of your shoes start to separate from your sneakers?

Without putting you through any suspense, between long distance jogging (treadmill, or pavement) and sprinting, sprinting is the best way to achieve maximum fat loss....especially for those that are overweight and need to lose a lot of fat.

Look at long distance marathon runners and then look at sprinters, such as Usain Bolt. You see the difference? Long distance runners typically have small skinny physiques, and sprinters have very toned physiques.

With Usain Bolt, the guy has freaking text book six pack abs! How? Sprinting maintains muscle while burning off a TON of fat. So you end up with a product (your body) that has very minimal fat and VERY toned muscle. Long distance running on the other hand does burn off fat, BUT, also burns off muscle.

What about joint problems? I don't know about you, but my knees are a pain in my butt! I could not find myself jogging for long periods of time, or else I would be living at the physical therapist office! If you are overweight and need to lose a lot of fat, more than likely you either already have joint problems or you are prone to getting joint problems. This is yet another reason to opt for sprinting exercises over jogging for long periods of time.

So, with that said, spending an enormous amount of time on the treadmill is not going to work if you need maximum fat loss. But hey, if you're in shape and you're training for a long distance marathon, or you just simply enjoy running, then by all means do what you got to do. This is more for the people out here that need to lose a lot weight, and do so efficiently, quickly, but of course, healthy.

Here's an e-mail I received from Mike Geary, the publisher of the popular six pack abs program, in regards to sprinting vs. jogging and how sprinting can also have an effect on creating those much desired six pack abs:

"Well, after watching the Olympics for the last couple of weeks, I think I've found the Olympian with the absolute BEST six pack abs...

The winner by a landslide is:

Usain Bolt!

If you've seen a couple of the times he's pulled his shirt up a little, you'll see that he easily has one of the best sets of ripped abs in the world.

This is not a surprise, as 100 and 200-meter sprinters usually have some of the most impressive bodies in the world. Compare those strong healthy muscular physiques of world-class sprinters with the typically skinny, weak frail-looking physiques of marathoners.

That's one reason why distance running will NEVER be in my exercise repertoire!

Another is the fact that distance running at the same basic steady pace only trains your heart rate in one specific range the entire time instead of a hugely wide range such as in sprinting. A sprinters heart is always going to be stronger than a marathoners heart (unless the marathoner trains in higher intensity ranges as well for at least some training).

And the 3rd reason that distance running will never be in my exercise repertoire is the fact that it is BRUTAL on your joints pounding the pavement (or the treadmill) on a daily basis. I'll stick to sprinting on grass fields or hill sprinting, which will actually strengthen instead of tear-down the joints, when done properly.

As you can see from the incredibly ripped abs of Usain Bolt, there is a reason that sprints (and hill sprints) are included as some of the most important factors that I talk about in my Truth about Six Pack Abs program.

If you want lean, sexy, ripped abs... stop crunching and start sprinting"

So, if you haven't done so already, why not try implementing sprinting with your exercise routine? It's quick, it burns off a ton of fat, and it's easy on the joints. I do some sprinting sessions once or twice a week. This is because I do another high intensity cardio exercise majority of the time, which is the incline treadmill. But my sprinting sessions are really motivating! I just go onto the basketball court at my gym, and do a 10 minute sprinting session there. I sprint back and forth once, then take a short break, and then repeat again until 10 minutes is up. Trust WILL be sweating like an Eskimo in Arizona!


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