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Sunday 29 March 2009

Summer's Over. So Does That Mean No More Losing Weight?

As soon as Spring comes around, folks start flocking to the gym, joining weight loss programs/diets, and jogging their a** off around their neighborhood trying to burn off excess fat, and lose weight.


Why else? Too look good for Summer! I mean you got sexy clothes, pools, beaches, and social scenes that are all buzzing during the Summer months, and you don't want to be the one showing up with love handles and a fat pooch for a belly!

Well my friend, I have some disheartening news for you. Summer is almost over and it's now time to go back to your usual lazy ways, and eat fattening foods until next Spring! Then you can start the cycle all over again!

Sarcasm aside, please don't tell me that is how you think?

What's wrong with being healthy and in shape during the Fall and Winter? Is is because no one is going to see how fit your body is under layers of clothing and coats? Is it because you are not going to be at the beach or pool during this time? Or is it because you simply associate getting toned and in shape with Summer?

If the above is your way of thinking, I urge you to change your thinking, as this is a poor way of approaching your health, and could end up being dangerous to your health due to "up and down weight loss".

Did you know that you are supposed to improve your health and maintain good health for life? Are you shocked? Did I just make you spit out your coffee? I hope not, because this is not new news. Don't start a healthy lifestyle just to look great for Summer or any other special occasion. You should start on a healthy lifestyle to look and feel great....for LIFE!


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