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Friday 27 March 2009

Are Low Calorie Diets Bad?

In this article, I would like to talk about the ever so popular low calorie diets. Are they bad? Can you really lose weight with a low calorie diet? Read on to find out the truth.

Question: Are low calorie diets good for you? Answer: NO!!!

Low calorie diets (or forced starvation) will not cause you to lose weight. You have to get the appropriate amount of calories your body needs daily. This is probably the biggest problem with dieter's nowadays. The simple thought of eating less will cause weight loss is very common.

When you eat less calories than your body needs based off of your height, current weight, and age, you will slow down your metabolism. Your metabolism will start to store calories which will then later on turn to fat. Your metabolism does this as protection for your body because it is receiving a signal of starvation. Don't confuse your metabolism, eat the appropriate amount of calories your body needs daily.

Yes, you can lose weight even if you eat the amount of calories you are supposed to get daily. How? First off, you're not slowing down your metabolism. Secondly, if you eat several small meals daily to add up to your daily calorie intake, you can boost up your metabolism even more. Also, and this should really be a no brainer, make sure that those calories you take in daily are from sensible food choices. Those food choices would be fruits and vegetables, protein, healthy fats, fiber, and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals. And finally, to make sure those pounds come off, you must do cardio and weight training exercising. Exercising is how you decrease calories by burning them off...never decrease calories by reducing the amount of calories you take in.

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