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Friday 27 March 2009

Hard Time Getting Rid Of Flab? Could J.I.M. Be The Reason Why?

To have success getting rid of flab, there has to be changes made to your lifestyle. During this change, not only does your lifestyle change, so does your a positive way (weight loss, burning off fat, building of lean muscle, etc.), BUT, also possibly in a negative way too (which would be J.I.M.). In this post, I'm going to talk about the negative effects on your body and how not to let J.I.M. ruin your efforts to lose weight, burn fat, and gain lean muscle.

What's the burning question running through your mind right now? Is it...what the bleep is J.I.M?!

Sore Joints
Possible Injury
Sore Muscles

J.I.M. could keep you from getting rid of flab, and getting into the best shape of your life. You must take great care of your body to prevent and fix those problems before they get even worse, which could ultimately keep you from physical activities all together.

Let's talk about prevention. I love prevention. I basically live my life in prevent mode. I drive safe (prevent accidents), I eat healthy (prevent diseases), I go to the gym early in the morning (prevent being stuck in a crowded gym and not get access to equipment), etc. Prevention is so important to your fitness efforts. It will cause your muscles to grow more rapidly, and it will keep J.I.M. away.

One very important prevention tool is stretching. You MUST stretch before and after every exercise you do. I do not know how hard I can stress that point...except by putting it in bold letters...YOU MUST STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER EVERY EXERCISE!!

Before you start your weight training routine, you should do at least 3-5 minutes of cardio which will warm up your muscles and do a full body stretching routine. A word of caution: Do not stretch, or let alone exercise if you have had a recent fracture, you're experiencing sharp pains, ligament sprains, and muscle strains, soreness, or inflammation.

Also, when you are weight training, it is extremely important to have proper form!!! I can't begin to count how many times I've seen in my gym, some guy standing in front of the mirror with this serious warrior facial expression, and swinging dumbbells back and forth like he was about to roll a bowling ball! Apparently, I think they thought their biceps were being worked? You must have proper form when weight training. Having proper form will for one prevent a host of possible injuries and muscle soreness, but will also burn fat faster and give you rapid muscle growth.

Hopefully you don't get to this point, and that point would be injury. If you are injured you must not exercise. Exercising on top of a injury, will, you guessed it, make it even worse and harder/longer to get fixed. Trust me on this, I was hard headed myself when I first started on my quest to get in shape. I ended up having patella issues with my knees....BUT....I kept on exercising and playing basketball. End result? Years later, I STILL have knee problems, and I have to do a gazillion protection and prevention things to protect my knees. Go to your doctor, physical therapist, etc. to get checked out to see what you're going to need. More than likely, one of the first things your doctor is going to say is rest...and make sure you do so. Not having proper form, and not stretching are two of the most common culprits for injury, so please take heed.

Don't let J.I.M. ruin your efforts for getting rid of flab and improving your overall health. As I always say, take care of your body and it will thank you.


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