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Sunday 29 March 2009

Lose Weight Easily: 12 Things You SHOULD AVOID To Lose Fat And Drop Pounds

To lose weight easily...knowledge, consistency, and patience are key. If you want to lose fat and drop pounds, understanding not just what you should be doing, but also what you should not be doing will go a long way in providing you with better health and a better body.

Here's my list of things you should avoid in order to successfully lose fat and drop pounds.
Feel free to add to the list by commenting below!

1. Low fat diets.

2. Low carb diets.

3. 'Fad' diets. (Like eat cereal all day diet, etc.)

4. Exercising too much. Yes, exercise is important if you want to lose weight easily and effectively. However, doing too much exercise can lead to a myriad of health problems. Too much cardio could lead to muscle loss, too much weight training could lead to lack of muscle development and injury, and on and on! It's hard for me to tell you the ideal amount of exercise YOU should do because I don't know your lifestyle. But, ideally you should exercise at least 3 times a week and for at least 30 minutes a day.

Here's an example of not exercising too much but still having an effective workout plan to drop pounds, and lose fat: I personally exercise for at least 1 hour per day, and 5 times a week. I work my legs on Monday, chest, arms, abs on Tuesday, cardio only on Wednesday, light leg workout on Thursday, and back, shoulders on Friday. Except on Wednesday, I do short intense cardio such as sprinting, incline treadmill, etc. on my weight training days.

5. Not consulting your doctor before beginning a health and fitness program.

6. Ignoring stretching before AND after your workouts.

7. "So called" health foods. The list is too long, so I'll just put it like this....if it sounds too good to be

8. Weighing yourself frequently. This will drive you insane! Your weight fluctuates on a daily basis based off of SEVERAL different things. Weighing yourself frequently is a surefire way to either frustrate you (you see weight gain), or give you false hope (you see dramatic weight loss)! The best thing to do is weigh yourself once or twice a week, and do so first thing in the morning on a empty stomach.

9. Having cheat days within the first two weeks of your diet. You need to develop willpower to start on your quest to lose weight easily. Having cheat days when you are just starting out will not help you with developing willpower....if anything, it will just weaken it. Honestly, you really should try to avoid bad foods completely...BUT...depriving yourself can make matters worse. So, just avoid cheat days withing the first two weeks of your diet, and hey, maybe you will develop a hatred for bad foods after eating healthy for awhile!

10. Artificial sweeteners. Read more about artificial sweeteners

11. Ignoring the fact that stress can contribute to your weight and fat gain.

You don't need me to tell you how important it is to reduce stress for not just your weight loss efforts, but more importantly, your overall health.

My cousin, who is 35 years old, just had a stroke this past weekend due to the stress she was under (thankfully she's doing fine now). I know it's hard, but you have to find healthy ways to relieve stress from your daily life. Breathing exercises, exercising, yoga, meditation, and more, are excellent ways to help reduce stress.

12. Giving up so easily. It takes consistency and patience to lose weight easily. As long as you stay consistent with a healthy lifestyle, that and your patience will pay off greatly.


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