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Friday 27 March 2009

The Most Motivating Way To Lose Weight And Get In Shape?

I've written several posts dealing with ways you can get motivated, inspired, and dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle. A few weeks ago I think I've realized what the most motivating way to lose weight and get in shape is....

Join a contest!

I joined the 2nd Annual MuscleTech Transformation contest. This contest has a grand prize of $25,000 plus some other gifts! Now, my motivation from joining this contest is not solely on how much money I can receive, it's the challenge and the accountability that goes along with it.

Before joining this contest, I was already pretty motivated and dedicated to fat loss and weight loss, but I tell you, this is definitely the most motivated I've ever been! What makes it even better is that I have my whole family behind me cheering me on.

Now, I was already pretty strict with dieting and fitness, but after just three weeks into this transformation contest, I realized that I wasn't strict enough! I made some adjustments to my current diet and fitness routine and the results are staggering. I'm gaining more muscle at a much more accelerated rate than I was before, I'm burning off fat much more faster, and my weight is going down quicker.

Why is the above happening? Simply put, I want to win and reach my final goal of having a lean muscular physique!

One word of caution if you join some type of transformation contest: do not become obsessed, and do not do anything that is detrimental to your health, i.e. dramatically reducing calories, popping diet pills, intense fasting, etc. It's pointless and ironic to join a contest to get healthy, only to end up more unhealthy than you were when you first started.

Well, wish me luck! The contest ends in May. I'll keep you updated between now and then.


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