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Thursday 26 March 2009

Reduce Belly Flab - 3 High Intensity Exercises To Reduce Belly Flab Fast

First things first, you have to understand that you can not spot target fat loss. In order to you have to reduce TOTAL body flab..........that's not so bad, now is it? Ab exercises work to develop and tone your abdominal muscles....not to remove the fat on top of them.....contrary to what those late night T.V. commercials tell you!

The following exercises are all designed to attack stubborn body fat and help you rid yourself of unwanted pounds much more faster than traditional LONG boring exercises. The one thing you'll notice is that all of these exercises are high intensity exercises. Belly flab is stubborn, and in order to reduce stubborn belly flab, you're going to have to get more intense......

1. Sprints
Sprinting, especially sprinting up hills, is a super high intensity....and quick, workout that will accelerate fat loss and weight loss, but at the same time maintain lean muscle!

This type of workout is done by simply running at full speed between two locations (basically the size of a basketball court) non-stop for 10 minutes.

2. Heavy Bag Boxing
One of my favorites. Not only can heavy bag boxing be an intense quick workout to burn off fat, it also is a great stress reliever.....just picture the heavy bag as your in-law!! Just kidding!!

This type of workout is pretty self explanatory. For beginners, I recommend for you to heavy bag box for 3 rounds and 2 minutes per round. MAKE SURE YOU WRAP YOUR HANDS! You must wrap your hands with boxing hand wraps to protect your hands and wrists from injury.

3. Incline Treadmill
Bored on the treadmill? Increase the incline and let's see how bored you'll be now! Another quick high intensity workout. The incline treadmill workout not only is a great cardio workout, it also works your leg muscles!

For beginners, I recommend for you to set the incline to a degree of 5.0 and at a speed of 3.0, and do the workout for 15-20 minutes for optimal results.

Those are some quick high intensity exercises you can do to help reduce belly flab and lose pounds faster than the normal long boring workouts that usually cause people to want to give up! Trust me on this, after one week of doing these workouts, the results you'll SEE and FEEL will be enough to keep you motivated for the long haul!

If you want to I recommend for you to take a look atThis program will provide you with an excellent plan to reduce belly flab, tone your abdominal muscles, and lose total body fat and weight.


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